About Us

"Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you."
- James 1:27

Founded in 2009 as 501C3 non profit organization.

Ways you can help:

Kristin Camp - Executive Director

In 2007 Kristin and her family became personally dedicated to two young teenagers,soon aging out of the orphanage system. Loving them and desperately praying about ways to support them either in Ukraine or with them in the states. Learning and failed attempts but  ultimately successfully bringing them to USA in dreams and hopes of furthering education, discipleship and family love and intervention.

USHP was founded in 2009, with hopes of helping more families become involved and connecting with these aged out orphans before they disappear.

She is expert in visa process, both in states and abroad, traveling to Ukraine several times a year and working tirelessly with the USHP staff on behalf of these young students and their american host families.

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