"In you alone do the orphans find mercy."
- Hosea 14:3

How it Works

"Father to the Fatherless...this is God, whose dwelling is Holy. God places the lonely in families."
-Psalms 68:5-6

First, we assist these students in acquiring an F-1 Visa.

Next, we find host families and sponsors.  This process may take up to six to twelve months for serious preparation.  We prepare these families and sponsors to guide and protect the students, and provide housing and financial support when needed while the student is studying in the U.S. Also, we are liaisons between the schools, universities, orphanage directors and the Consulate.

Studying KidsThe students connect and walk away with a lifelong relationship with an American family to give guidance, love, support and encouragement; something they've never had personally.  In the end these students receive an incredible U.S. education, the ability to speak English, employable resources, and life skills.  These opportunities equip the student to find hope and a career upon return to Ukraine.

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