Giving hope, love, and higher education to older abandoned orphans.

"In you alone do the orphans find mercy."
- Hosea 14:3

The Problem

For thousands of Ukrainian orphans, the end of the 9th grade year is the end of life in an institution. Unprepared for their new independence, they are unable to transition into an unsympathetic outside world. Most attend trade school for two years, living in run down dormitories, but mostly they drop out due to no direction, skipping classes, or being kicked out. After trade school, the 70% who can't find employment will end up on the street. Few go on to college.

Homeless Person Laying in Street45-50% are addicted to hard drugs.

70% of girls turn to prostitution to "be taken care" and ultimately sex trafficking.

70% of boys turn to crime and/or end up in prison.

Teen pregnancy causes infants to be placed in orphanages, and so the cycle continues.

20-25% commit suicide before their 18th birthday.

How We Help

Girl with Passport By assisting these students in acquiring an F-1 Visa and connecting them with host families here in the U.S., we allow the students to receive an education and employable resources and life skills to find hope and a career upon return to Ukraine. They also walk away with lifelong relationships with a family to give them guidance, love, support and encouragement throughout the rest of their lives. This is something they may not have ever had in Ukraine.

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